Burger emoji hype continues

It may be a while since we updated you on what’s happening, but in the world of technology and emojis in general, both Apple and Android versions are generally accepted by the public, so when something like this happens, everyone seems to be interested. Last time we checked Google SEO vowed to make things different … Read more

Nurse Lee and her contribution to the emoji collection

It may sound easy, coming up with the new emoji, but the ideas like these aren’t easy when it comes to the reality, and Nurse Rachel Lee knew it, but the point is, sometimes, most of the times, we simply overlook the real issues in order to satisfy others, and that’s where this story comes … Read more

Halloween emojis

Well, the season is already here, and one cannot escape the signs. Autumn weather may be what most of us avoid, still the hype around everyone’s second favorite holiday already changed the way we text, describe photos on Instagram, or pretty much anything that includes emojis. We all know emojis dictate the way we feel, … Read more