The emoji is represented by extended hands placed side by side horizontally with pinkies touching each other and palm facing upwards. This emoji can portray several expressions. It is synonymous with the prayer position in a certain culture. It means an open book in sign language. Another gesture it can be used for is begging, like for money, rain, wishes, etc.
Copy and paste 🤲 with one click!
Tweet with this button
Use shortcode : :palms_up_together:
Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Palms Up Together emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.
Representations : palms up together, prayer can be represented by 🤲 emoji.
but currently not supported in Apple, Samsung, LG, HTC, Microsoft, Messenger, Mozilla, Emojidex
Palms Up Together may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Palms Up Together emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Palms Up Together can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS but not supported in Apple, Samsung, LG, HTC, Microsoft, Messenger, Mozilla, Emojidex. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Palms Up Together emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.
This emoji was first introduced in Unicode 10.0 in June, 2017 and was a part of Emoji 5.0 in 2017. Palms Up Together emoji was first rolled out by Skype on June 1, 2015 with Emoticons 1.2 update. Twitter, JoyPixels, Facebook, Google added the emoji 1 year later on May 23, 2017, June 30, 2017, July 5, 2017, August 21, 2017 respectively.
Language | Short Name |
Spanish | oración, palmas hacia arriba juntas, palmas hacia arriba juntas |
German | beten, Handflächen nach oben, Handflächen nach oben |
French | mains, paume contre paume doigts vers le haut, prière, paume contre paume doigts vers le haut |
Russian | вверх, вместе, ладони, ладони лодочкой, ладони, сложенные лодочкой, молитва, руки, ладони лодочкой |
Italian | mani unite in alto, preghiera, mani unite in alto |
Portuguese | oração, palmas unidas para cima, palmas unidas para cima |
Unicode : | U+1F932 |
Hex Code | |
Code Point(s): | 1f932 |
HTML Entity: | 🤲 |
UTF-8: | F0 9F A4 B2 |
UTF-8 (C): | F0 9F A4 B2 |
UTF-16: | 0xd83edd32 |
UTF-16 (C): | 0xD83E 0xDD32 |
UTF-32: | 1F932 |
UTF-32 (C): | 0x00001F932 |
Decimal Code | |
Code Point(s): | 129330 |
HTML Entity: | 🤲 |
UTF-16: | 55358 56626 |
UTF-32: | 129330 |
Octal Code | |
UTF-8: | 360 237 244 262 |
Other developer codes: | |
PHP: | "\xf0\x9f\xa4\xb2" |
Python: | u"\U0001F932" |
Java, C++, C: | "0xD83E\uDD32" |