Celeb Emojis

Emojis are everywhere, and it’s hard to escape the fact they define our lives, in one way or another, but we usually use them to express ourselves, and the new trend dictates that we associate a certain emoji with a person, and recent studies show that lately some emojis became a mutual understanding, as they represent a person that we’re talking about. Naturally, celebs are the first ones that pop in our mind, and in a way, that seems like relatively expected to happen, so while we continue to see the world through the emojis, there’s one thing that is crawling into our minds, the idea of avatars, personalized emojis, and while that’s already a thing with apps like Bitmoji, we aim for something that’s simple, a single emoji that perfectly describes a living person, and we can all agree some celebs built their reputation on it, so join us as we break down the emojis and the celebs they are mostly referred to, and in a way represent them as a part of the collection.

Peach emoji is definitely a guilty pleasure, but for a reason, as this emoji isn’t just used when dirty texting your new love interest, but also as a reference to Kim Kardashian, and her famous body part, so while most of will use this one when talking about her or commenting, Kim realizes that sometimes, people simply use the emoji as a reference, and that seems fair enough, given that pop culture evolved to the point where people publish their own set of emojis, and Kim Kardashian was among those who did it, so for her, using peach emoji as a caption is not even that original, and as far as it goes, her own set of emojis is far more advanced.

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Ariana Grande is a singer that prides herself on being the cat woman, and in a way, we all love her personality, as well as her songs, so it’s only natural that we associate her with this cat emoji, as this is also her favorite pose, whether when it comes to Snapchat or simply another Instagram selfie, Ariana is undoubtedly the girl we associate with this emoji, and she is up for that as well, so while most of the people are scared to associate emoji as it may lead to a lawsuit, Ariana uses this emoji as often as everyone else, as it is a representation of her character as well as the emoji that is in association with her work as a musician. If in any case you happen to hate her for some reason, then we suggest you follow up with some of her humanitarian work, as this girls is far more than a teen star, and cat emoji, so before you judge the book by its cover, remember, this kitten is sweet, in a good way, but like we said, it’s okay if you simply aren’t into that musical taste, as we’re all free to chose the music we love.

Smirking face emoji is definitely something that we all use sometimes, but the more importantly, the smirking face is mostly associated with Cara Delavigne and her famous pose, that we adore regardless. Cara is just one in the number of celebs that we associate with an emoji, and while she takes on this emoji in a female form, someone takes on in a male form as well, and that someone is Ian Somerhalder, but well, we can all agree that both Cara and Ian deserve this emoji equally, as it perfectly captures their face expression in the majority of photos, whether when it comes to the movie or the show, the expression is rather memorable, and the emoji is something that captures it just fine. So, next time you Google them, you’ll see that we aren’t just making a statement, but rather enlightening you on the idea of celebs that simply embody one of our favorite emojis.

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Well this emoji is definitely something that we associate with more than the cool emoji when texting, as it reminds us of than one celeb that cannot survive a day without this particular expression, and it’s so memorable that celebs prefer using it, when referring to her. Who is this? Well you’ve probably guessed it by now, as Miley Cyrus is a living breathing version of this emoji, and even more than any of us can imagine, Miley is this emoji. Her Instagram posts, her photo sessions, it’s all inflicted with this one emoji, that became the part of her life, and in a way defines her, as a fun person with attitude, and definitely the idol for everyone that hopes to be wild and free, as well as the feminists that she supports with all of her heart. Miley is slaying the game, and the emoji is just one of the things in line that we associate with her, and by all means, her power to influence masses is rather undeniable.

Not everyone can brag with the actual title of princess, but for Kate Middleton, it’s easy enough, as she is an actually princess, with the title, and the jewels, and the marriage to Prince William, so as soon as she became one, the association with the girl wearing the crown emoji became the inevitable, and it isn’t even all about the crown itself, as Kate is embodiment of grace and princess that we all imagined to see if not be while children. Kate is the living proof that all those fairy-tales we read are in a way true, at least when it comes to her fate, so while Kate lives her days as a princess, we get a glimpse of her life, especially with the royal children, and not only that we admire her costumes, but also her dedication and living up to the role she wasn’t initially born to take on, but still, the role brought along the emoji association that we all agree is justified.

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