Taylor Swift in emojis

Whether you like her or not, Taylor Swift slays the modern music scene and her new album Reputation is said to be phenomenal. As we patiently await the new album to be available on YouTube, let’s take a step back and see why the world loves her. Tay certainly has a voice to kill for, and until recently we all enjoyed reading about her person al life. Since the days when she was just a cute but relatable teen, Swift had her army of followers but what made her so interesting was the fact that she was just like everyone else. She was someone we all thought of when in high school and a person that we loved to see on TV. Since then things changed but what we still enjoy about her is the fact that most of the times she is not like other superstars, she is just ordinary human, and that’s what makes her different.

As for the emojis, just like Ariana Grande, Taylor too has a whole bunch of images imitating the icons we know and love, and while we may still wait a while to see if she’ll decide to do something about it, come up with her own collection of emojis, we’ll present you with all the times Taylor slayed the emoji game. After all, emojis are the way to express our inner selves and even though Taylor has no problem when it comes to that, we’re still to see if she did it as well as Ariana…

One would say pulling off this kind of imitation is relatively easy, but if you look closely, you’ll see that Taylor is almost identical to the emoji. Why? Well, we’re not sure but something strange is going on here, given all we can see in this emoji now is Taylor Swift, right? Definitely a proof grimace like this does exist in the real world, and even better, celebs are doing it, which means, something like this is definitely worthy of our time. So, next time when you find yourself bored, you know what you can do, and if you happen to be a fan of Taylor Swift, even better, as now you this image will stay in your head for a long time, and even when you think it’s over, you’ll run across this emoji, and it’ll all come back to you.

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Well, well. This is definitely something, for not everyone can pull of this move as perfect as Taylor did it, and once you see this emoji imitation, you cannot delete it from your mind, as this rare yet perfect capture of Swift preforming does remind of the emoji right, and it’s more realistic than you’d like to admit. Lady in red, definitely something to dwell on next time when you’re feeling like a complete failure. If nothing, at least you know that Taylor can do it which means the awkward teen you currently are will glow up in the most unexpected way and like Taylor did, will one day be associated with the iconic portrayal of powerful woman and successful talented artist she is. If not, then you can always consider this a form of a social game the next time you feel like the world could use a fun imitation game. We assume your friends will go along with it, as after all emojis became the global trend, something we all associate with entertainment and the way to avoid feelings altogether. In any case, you can do it like Taylor or not, emojis will still be the coolest ones in play.

Definitely the coolest imitation there is as this take on the famous emoji was completely accidental given it can be understood Taylor didn’t intend for this to happen and was probably taken at the airport or somewhere like that, but still, one must admit that once you see this, only one thing comes to your mind, The emoji on the left describes that thought almost too perfectly, and even if it’s just another in the series of random photos paparazzi deliver to the websites, Taylor does have a way of dealing with it. Shades on, the rest of the world off.

See also  Emojis and Emoticons

Isn’t this the face we all make way too often? Yes, but we never do it quiet as she does it, but never mind, for what counts is the idea as this emoji describes all of those moments where we felt like the whole world is just there to annoy us, like the mere existence in its core is useless, and that’s the idea this emoji sends out. Taylor does just the same, with her lips forming a firm line, sending out the message that she simply isn’t as amused as everyone expects her to be.

What about this one? Drop dead gorgeous? Not really, as this version of emoji is simply to prove how cute Taylor can look like. Innocent look, mouth wide open. We’d buy anything she says, wouldn’t you? Something everyone can enjoy in without being harsh on the young superstar. Taylor Swift may not be the favorite musician in the world but she can definitely pull off this emoji, without even trying, and that’s what you must love about her. If not, then you should try this out and see that sometimes you just have to have it in you as it’s easier said than done.

Being upset isn’t the best place to start when it comes to imitating our favorite icons, but as far as Taylor Swift is concerned, it’s not all milk and honey, and we shouldn’t act like it is as the world may not know the real state of our mind if we wear a smile day after day, and it the world will eventually seem like too much to take on. Lift the weight off your shoulders, even if that means only imitating the emoji. It seems like the way, and if Taylor can do it, you can too.

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