The list of all Finger emojis. You can find the meaning of each emoji with its respective definition, usage and code. Though most of the emojis are supported by popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat but it must be noted that Finger emoji shown here are how they appear on your device or platform but they may not appear or appear differently on various devices.
The middle finger emoji is one of the very few emojis which was created purely t
The crossed fingers emoji somewhat superficially resembles the victory emoji exc
The Vulcan salute emoji is pretty specialized, though the emoji is still widely
The sign of the horns emoji shows a single, entirely disembodied hand held in a
The raised hand with fingers splayed emoji is similar in appearance to the wavin
Well you’ve probably encountered one of these the last time you visited that J
The emoji displays a hand with palm facing towards the reader with all fingers s
This is the Medium-dark skin tone version of
Pinched F
This is the Medium-light skin tone version of
The familiar Italian hand gesture expresses a sense of interrogation, frustratio
This is the Dark skin tone version of
Handshake emoji ha
This is the Light skin tone version of
Handshake emoji h
This is the Medium-dark skin tone version of
Handshake e
This is the Medium-light skin tone version of
This is the Medium skin tone version of
Handshake emoji
This simple gesture can potray a range of expression from cash crunch to appreci