The list of all Stick emojis. You can find the meaning of each emoji with its respective definition, usage and code. Though most of the emojis are supported by popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat but it must be noted that Stick emoji shown here are how they appear on your device or platform but they may not appear or appear differently on various devices.
The tongue emoji shows a pink or red tongue nearly fully extended from a mouth.
The kiss mark emoji is meant to represent the imprint of luscious, lipsticked li
Well poultry leg is something we all love to see when captioning a photo with ou
While we prefer this as our dinner, steaming bowl emoji may not be the one we us
As for the dango emoji, we can’t say we use it that often, but hey, if it’s
Snapchat gives out lollipops now? Well, something like that, but not exactly. Th
Field hockey emoji is one of the American things and small portion of the world
Well ice hockey is everyone’s favorite sport, and this emoji proves that. Not
If you happen to be rocker, you’ll probably enjoy sharing this one every time
We all know whose favorite emoji this one is? You’ve guessed it right, gamers
Chopsticks have been a significant dining staple in East-Asian countries like Ch
A semi-circular mass of dough that is closed with hands and holds the filling to
The sport is most popular in US and Canada. It is an amalgamation of basketball,
Crutch is generally used by a person experiencing temporary mobility disability.