The list of all ZA emojis. You can find the meaning of each emoji with its respective definition, usage and code. Though most of the emojis are supported by popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat but it must be noted that ZA emoji shown here are how they appear on your device or platform but they may not appear or appear differently on various devices.
The person bowing emoji is a much misinterpreted emoji, largely because it portr
The man bowing emoji is identical to the original and nominally non gender speci
The woman bowing emoji was introduced in 2016 as the female variant of the perso
The raising hands emoji can appear drastically different depending on the softwa
One of the three wise monkeys of Japanese folkloric tradition – one of the Miz
The speak no evil monkey emoji is the third element of the Mizaru: the pictorial
Everyone’s favorite emoji? Ultimate win? Go no further, as someone already res
Right anger bubble emoji often depicts so called anger that cannot be put into w
Biohazard emoji is jet another emoji that we often misuse, especially if we happ
Well, no, it isn’t one of the Asian countries, and you’ll be surprised when
This flag stands for Kazakhstan, the dominant country in central Asia, known for
This flag represents Mozambique, country in the Southeast Asia, bordered mostly
This country represents Tanzania, country in eastern African, the magical countr
This flag represents South Africa, the place where you’ll get to see the rich
This flag represents Zambia, landlocked country in South Africa, that you’ll f
This is the light skin tone version of Person Bowing emoji with pale white or wh
This is the medium light skin tone version of Person Bowing emoji with cream whi
This is the medium skin tone version of Person Bowing emoji with moderate brown
This is the medium dark skin tone version of Person Bowing emoji with dark brown
This is the dark skin tone version of Person Bowing emoji with deep brown skin c
A semi-circular mass of dough that is closed with hands and holds the filling to
This is the Dark skin tone version of
Mage with deep brown sk
This is the Light skin tone version of
Mage with pale white o
This is the Medium-dark skin tone version of
Mage with dark b
This is the Medium-light skin tone version of
Mage with cream
This is the Medium skin tone version of
Mage with moderate br
Magic is a key element of fairy tales and many fantasy stories. Mages embody the
The emoji means being goofy, joking and having fun. Many people during partying
As per Turkish belief, the Nazar amulet protects the bearer from evil gaze and w
The favorite tool of wizards and witches share an association with magic. The ma