👫 Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji

👫 meaning - Man and Woman Holding Hands

The man and woman holding hands emoji is one of three basic couples emojis. It shows a man and a woman in casual clothes holding hands. It can represent a platonic or familial friendship, though it’s most often assumed to portray a romantic bond. Facebook Messenger’s emojis wear t-shirts decorated with a love heart, further strengthening this romantic meaning. It can be used in many contexts and combined with countless other emojis to give it added meanings. For example, if combined with an engagement ring emoji or a baby emoji, it would imply the couple had just become engaged or pregnant.

Copy and paste Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji

Copy and paste 👫 with one click!    
Tweet with this button
Use shortcode : :couple:
Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : Man Couple Love Woman Romance Holding Hands Heterosexual can be represented by 👫 emoji.

Examples of 👫 emoji :

May you keep it 🤝💖👫
So far no one knows that we are a duo 👫
I wish you a nice, exciting, tender, happy weekend! Make love instead of war! 🙋🏼 ❤️ 👬👫👭 ❤️ 🎈 🌿🌹🌿
Ladys and Gentleman 👫 today 😍🎉 the new special for November will be announced only a few hours 😍
It has been done for a month 👫
Soft gray wedding pot with name 👫⭐️

How Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

Man and Woman Holding Hands may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Man and Woman Holding Hands can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.

History of Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji

This emoji was first introduced in Unicode 6.0 in October, 2010 which was followed by addition to Emoji 1.0 in August, 2015. Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji appeared on iOS 5.0, Android 4.3, EmojiOne 1.0 for the first time.

Man and Woman Holding Hands in other languages

LanguageShort Name
SpanishHombre y mujer tomados de la mano
GermanMann und Frau halten sich an den Händen
FrenchHomme femme, tenant mains
RussianМужчина и женщина держатся за руки
ItalianUomo e donna che si tengono per mano
PortugueseHomem e mulher de mãos dadas

What is the code of Man and Woman Holding Hands emoji?

Unicode : U+1F46B
Hex Code
Code Point(s):    1f46b
HTML Entity:   👫
UTF-8: F0 9F 91 AB
UTF-8 (C): F0 9F 91 AB
UTF-16: 0xd83ddc6b
UTF-16 (C): 0xD83D 0xDC6B
UTF-32: 1F46B
UTF-32 (C): 0x00001F46B
Decimal Code
Code Point(s): 128107
HTML Entity: 👫
UTF-16: 55357 56427
UTF-32: 128107
Octal Code
UTF-8: 360 237 221 253
Other developer codes:
PHP: "\xf0\x9f\x91\xab"
Python: u"\U0001F46B"
Java, C++, C: "0xD83D\uDC6B"

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