🫎 Moose emoji

🫎 meaning - Moose

Boreal inhabitant is the largest of the deer family. Moose came like a breath of fresh air to the current farm dominant animal emojis. Emoji is used to identify the pan antler, heavy animal “moose,” an icon of northern wildlife spread across 3 continents. Countries like Finland, Canada and Sweden have a substantial elk population. Many fatalities take place each year because of the collision with the animal and several warning system has in place to warn the unsuspecting drivers. Unaware international visitor often finds themselves on the receiving end of moose hostility. Moose emoji can be used over social media to warn others on moose sighting to promote safety. Immediately recognizable moose emoji represent the distinct Northern culture, nature and life like no other symbol. Regional wildlife, in general can be referred to with the icon.

Copy and paste Moose emoji

Copy and paste 🫎 with one click!    
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Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Moose emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : Moose Elk Deer Big deer can be represented by 🫎 emoji.

How Moose emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

Currently no major platform support the Moose emoji and your device may show a blank space, empty square or a cross. Nonetheless, things may change in near future as new emojis gets added with each upgrade.

History of Moose emoji

Moose will be released in September 2022 under Emoji 15.0, along with 20 other new emojis.

Moose in other languages

LanguageShort Name
SpanishAlces, ciervos, ciervos grandes
GermanElche, Hirsche, große Hirsche
FrenchOrignal, Wapiti, Cerf, Grand cerf
RussianЛось, Олень, Большой олень
ItalianAlci, cervi, cervi di grandi dimensioni
PortugueseAlces, Veados, Veados Grandes

What is the code of Moose emoji?

Unicode : U+1FACE
Hexadecimal HTML Entity:   🫎
Decimal HTML Entity: 🫎

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