The list of all Male emojis. You can find the meaning of each emoji with its respective definition, usage and code. Though most of the emojis are supported by popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat but it must be noted that Male emoji shown here are how they appear on your device or platform but they may not appear or appear differently on various devices.
The man emoji appears as vastly different ages, depending on the device used, ra
On iOS and other devices, the woman emoji differs from the girl emoji by her str
The man health worker emoji is one of two emojis used to represent the medical p
The man cook emoji is easily identified by his white chef’s clothes and his di
One of two cook emojis, the woman cook emoji shows a woman wear white chef’s c
The man dancing emoji is the male companion of the woman dancing emoji. He appea
One of two sheep emojis, this particular emoji depicts the male sheep or ram. It
Unlike many other animal emojis, the rooster emoji’s meaning can change drasti
This woman lifting weights emoji is definitely more popular within the woman spo
Woman biking emoji is also widely accepted and used in the Northern Europe as th
While the man wrestling is often related to famous wrestling stars this emoji, h
Well definitely one of the favorite sports in which men enjoy to let a women pla
While the man joggling the balls may be used in an entertaining way, the emoji d
Definitely something we’ve encountered before in TV studios or other places as
This is the light skin tone version of Man Dancing emoji with pale white or whit
This is the medium light skin tone version of Man Dancing emoji with cream white
This is the medium skin tone version of Man Dancing emoji with moderate brown sk
This is the medium dark skin tone version of Man Dancing emoji with dark brown s
This is the dark skin tone version of Man Dancing emoji with deep brown skin col
Emoji is an emoji adaptation of renowned venus symbol that have a circle above a
A circle with an arrow pointing north-east represents the symbol, formally inclu
The dish is of Spanish origin. One of the various fillings, like meat, cheese an