The list of all Mark emojis. You can find the meaning of each emoji with its respective definition, usage and code. Though most of the emojis are supported by popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat but it must be noted that Mark emoji shown here are how they appear on your device or platform but they may not appear or appear differently on various devices.
The kiss mark emoji is meant to represent the imprint of luscious, lipsticked li
One of the most misunderstood emojis is probably this Japanese post office emoji
The bookmark tabs emoji can appear quite different depending on the emoji platfo
The bookmark emoji has a bit of a misnomer as it depicts what looks far more lik
On arrow emoji is an emoji that signalizes that something is active, whether it
Ever wondered what this one stands for? Well, this is the Japanese symbol for a
Well probably something that you’ve already used numerous times, as this white
A ballot box with a check mark inside? Well this emoji may not be something you
Heavy check mark emoji is one of the emojis that we use every now and then when
Heavy multiplication x is also one of the emojis most of the users tend to confu
Definitely, a distinguishable one, this cross mark emoji is one those emojis we
Cross mark button emoji is one of the emojis that represent all those times that
Another one of the emojis that originate in Japanese culture, this part alterati
Double exclamation mark is unquestionably something we’ve all seen being used
This exclamation question mark is something we use in the type of posts that cle
Red question mark emoji is something that we use when stating the personal doubt
White question mark emoji is one of the emojis that are designed to keep the con
White exclamation mark emoji is one of the emojis that we use to subtly end the
Red exclamation mark emoji is one of the emojis that simply have that impact on
Something you’ve probably encountered before, this trade mark emoji is one of
Well, you’ve probably seen this one before, as this flag represent Kingdom of
A check mark with no box depicts the emoji. The color of the tick varies from bl