Disney’s take on emojis

Well, there’s no need to mention how influential emojis can get, given the world today is pretty much gloomy without the collection, and that makes us wonder, if people are already translating certain pop culture items to into an emoji world. Yes, we’ve heard of a book being translated to an emoji language, and we’ve been a witness to poop emoji going viral with numerous products, but all of these things aren’t exactly remakes of something that made our childhood, wouldn’t you agree?Sometimes, emojis are just another way to improve a communication, to add a cute icon next to a line of text, but these days, as emojis take over the world, there’s also something else going on, and trust us, everyone adapts to emoji fever just as predicted, so the new trend isn’t even surprising.Remember all those movies you used to watch a kid, the times when Disney was all about cartoons and not about the trendy ways to communicate. Well, that all changed now, and the next thing we know is that Disney already tells a tale using emojis, and the classics you know and love are taking a whole new form, being even more interesting than before. Most of the takes on their movies are already available to watch on YouTube, so we’ll make sure to link you directly to those, as we list down our favorite movies accurately explained via emojis.

Pirates of the Caribbean As Told By Emoji

You surely recall Jack Sparrow and his adventures in the sea, as well as lovely Elizabeth and Will, the couple that melted our hearts the minute we saw them in action. Pirates of the Caribbean movie was by far one of the most popular movies ever and it’s not only that we enjoyed it, but we came back, year after year, even when Jack Sparrow was the only one left. Well, this version follows them all, once again, on the emojified journey to the sea. And you’ll get to see all your favorite characters once again, in the new light as the unforgettable tune of pirates and the sea will once again be stuck in your head.

See also  Emojis and Medicine

Beauty and the Beast As Told By Emoji

Definitely something that was quite popular this year, with Emma Watson taking on a role of beauty in a splendidly done CGI remake of the classic movie, so Beauty and the Beast wasn’t something we were surprised to see being transferred to emojis, but wait a second, as this take on the story we all loved as kids is not what you thought it to be, as it returns to the original version, we all know and love, with some modifications, of course. Still, it’s something you’ll want to check out, especially if Beauty and the Beast was a movie you enjoyed as a child.
Cinderella As Told By Emoji You definitely remember Cinderella, as this cartoon was much more that you hoped it to be, and even throughout the teenage phase, this story lingered on, in pretty much everything, so it’s no surprise you’re revisiting it, once again, and this time, you’ll have the chance to see it in the new light, simplified, yet with the original message that is as universal as Disney gets, after all, all girls dream of a fairy that will make their life better, and there’s nothing more relatable than the story of Cinderella, where good and kind prevail.

Aladdin as told by Emoji

There is something about Arabic culture that mystified us all in Aladdin, the cartoon that most of us revisited numerous times, to see if there’s a way we could get that genie to work out some miracles for us as well. So, while most of us find Aladdin hard character to relate to, it still is nice to see Disney’s take on this classic tale, and with certain emojis in play, it really gets interesting. We may not find a magical lamp anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy the emojified version of our favorite characters, and the unforgettable songs that simply are the best Disney has to offer, and with the Aladdin movie coming out soon, it also is an opportunity to recall the plot of this tale.

See also  What’s next in emoji collection?

Finding Nemo as told by Emoji

Finding Nemo is a classic and unusual cartoon that our parents loved but the story of a lost son and the father’s love recently got a sequel as well, but that’s not the only thing that made this classic special. Disney also provided this tale in emojis, so if you happen to be a fan of Nemo, Dory and the father that just tries too hard to keep them all together, then you should definitely spare time to see the emoji version as well. It’s all fun with emojis included in the mix, wouldn’t you agree?

Tangled as told by Emoji

One of the oldest tales in existence, Tangled is a classic we are eager to see, especially if you’re a fan of the new Disney version and with the rebellious Finn that is a true spice to the mix. You may wonder how they managed to add a long hair of Rapunzel in the emoji collection. Well, we’ll leave the mystery unsolved, so head for the You Tube link, and check it out. You just might be pleasantly surprised by the arrangement. Frozen as told by Emoji
Frozen may not be as old as the others on this list, but we all agree with the fact that it deserves a place on the list. Along with Elsa and Anna, join in on the emoji adventure that will do wonders for your imagination, and let it go, as Elsa says in a song. Embrace the winter magic and see if you’ll find in your heart to hate that adorable Olaf character. We bet you cannot hate any part of the cartoon, especially with emojis involved in the story itself.

See also  Pillow talk and emojis

Frozen as told by Emoji

Frozen may not be as old as the others on this list, but we all agree with the fact that it deserves a place on the list. Along with Elsa and Anna, join in on the emoji adventure that will do wonders for your imagination, and let it go, as Elsa says in a song. Embrace the winter magic and see if you’ll find in your heart to hate that adorable Olaf character. We bet you cannot hate any part of the cartoon, especially with emojis involved in the story itself.