The list of all AZ emojis. You can find the meaning of each emoji with its respective definition, usage and code. Though most of the emojis are supported by popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat but it must be noted that AZ emoji shown here are how they appear on your device or platform but they may not appear or appear differently on various devices.
This emoji is almost identical to the classic “face with stuck-out tongue” e
The confused face emoji was one of the first text based emojis to be recognized,
The confounded face emoji is quite recognizable, with its zigzag mouth, almost r
The selfie emoji shows a disembodied, outstretched arm holding a smart phone in
The open hands emoji shows a pair of disembodied hands, palms facing forward and
One of the three wise monkeys of Japanese folkloric tradition – one of the Miz
The speak no evil monkey emoji is the third element of the Mizaru: the pictorial
What better way to caption that fancy con cert your mother took you too last wee
This guitar emoji is used to describe probably any concert you’ve ever been to
While most of the music instrument emojis are used to actually portray the love
Well, this is definitely one of the emojis that we use to innocently flirt with
Biohazard emoji is jet another emoji that we often misuse, especially if we happ
The Azerbaijan, country that bears this flag is situated in the South Caucasus r
Well, we all know this flag, and we all know that it represents the Brazil, one
Well, no, it isn’t one of the Asian countries, and you’ll be surprised when
This flag stands for Kazakhstan, the dominant country in central Asia, known for
This flag represents Swaziland, the country located on the South of Africa, and
This is the light skin tone version of Selfie emoji with pale white or white ski
This is the medium light skin tone version of Selfie emoji with cream white skin
This is the medium skin tone version of Selfie emoji with moderate brown skin co
This is the medium dark skin tone version of Selfie emoji with dark brown skin c
This is the dark skin tone version of Selfie emoji with deep brown skin color, d
As per Turkish belief, the Nazar amulet protects the bearer from evil gaze and w
Removing of body hair, especially that of face, is a common practice around the
Undoubtedly, the slowest animal on earth. Central and South America native is kn
The Face with Open Eyes emoji conveys many feelings. It helps digital chat s